Board Roles + Responsibilities




The President of the VNC guides the VNC Board Meetings and acts as the VNC's primary liaison to the City. The President is responsible for:

- chairing the Board and Administrative Committee meetings
- setting the agenda for the Administrative Committee meetings
- appointing the chairs of Ad Hoc Committees
- acting as chief liaison with Los Angeles City and other government agencies for the delivery of Community Impact Statements (CIS), California Public Records Act requests, and other correspondence



The Vice President of the VNC assumes the duties of the President when the President is unavailable as well as performing other duties as delegated by the President. In addition, the Vice President:

- acts as the chief liaison with other Neighborhood Councils
- maintains oversight of all VNC Committees



The VNC Secretary is responsible for keeping accurate minutes of meetings and submitting the minutes after a meeting. The Secretary is responsible for:

- producing accurate minutes of the Board of Officers and Administrative Committee meetings
- maintaining all public records of the VNC
- receiving and logging all submissions and correspondence to the VNC and referring them to the appropriate Officer or Committee 



The VNC Treasurer  is responsible for the overall budget and expenditures of the VNC.  The Treasurer:

- chairs the Budget and Finance Committee
- oversees the finances of the Neighborhood Council to assure total compliance with all Department of Neighborhood Empowerment (DONE) and Los Angeles City requirements
- submits financial reports to the Board of Officers at every regular meeting



The Communications Officer maintains the vital internal communications framework of the VNC. The Communications Officer:

- oversees the maintenance and updating of the VNC website and board emails
- is responsible for email announcements to stakeholders
- is responsible for maintaining and updating the stakeholder database and ensuring its confidentiality



The Community Outreach Officer of the VNC is responsible for outreach efforts from the VNC to the community. The Community Outreach Officer is responsible for:

- chairing the Outreach & Event Planning Committee
- organizing quarterly Town Halls and special events
- working with stakeholders, Board Officers, and committees to promote participation in VNC activities
- maintaining all VNC equipment
- arranging to have refreshments at VNC Board of Officers meetings



The Land Use and Planning Committee (LUPC) Chair hears the land use cases that come to the VNC. The LUPC Chair is responsible for:

- chairing the the Land Use and Planning Committee
- preparing and submitting all required reports to the Board of Officers



At Large Community Officers compose the majority of the VNC Board. They are general representatives of the community and bring the concerns of the neighborhood to the VNC and its committees.



The Community Interest Officer represents the voice of Community Organizations within Venice. A “Community Organization” is an entity that has continuously maintained a physical street address within the boundaries of the neighborhood council for not less than one year, and that performs ongoing and verifiable activities and operations that confer some benefit on the community within the boundaries of the neighborhood council. A for-profit entity does not qualify as a Community Organization. Examples of Community Organizations may include chambers of commerce, houses of worship, educational institutions, or non-profit organizations within Venice.

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